Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Work in Banff: Sunday Funday a true Banff experience

You never really can appreciate the meaning of Sunday Funday until you experience it yourself.
Is a night out in Banff similar to a night on the town at University?
If someone could help explain the experience of a shuffle through Tommy's, Pump n Tap, Devils Gap, and then onto the Sasquatch with a pit stop in McDonalds, and finishing up at Aurora's that would be helpful.

Trash Cans at the Eddie, or Time Machines seem to have replaced the cheap drink specials at Mel's, but popcorn at Mel's and drinking from Jam Jars in the Magpie with buckets of peanuts, still seem to keep everyone out until all hours of the night on a Sunday night in Banff.

Lets hope those of you working at Sunshine, Louise or Norquay this season manage to get Mondays off!

Here's to another great season,

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